The 2022 EU-India-BCE: Progress in Advanced Biofuels will be a virtual event, however, it will also provide a virtual exhibition space where technology developers and industrial players will be able to display their innovative solutions for advanced biofuel technologies.
In the programme priority will be given to the sponsors of the conference to give keynote presentations and structure the panel debates while principal speakers will be invited directly by MM K. Maniatis and Y.B. Ramakrishna.

Kyriakos Maniatis
Europe Chair
Independent Consultant @ETA Florence Renewable Energies
Former European Commission, DG ENER

Y.B. Ramakrishna
India Chair
Former Chairman – Working group on Biofuels
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas

Angela Grassi
EU-India-BCE Director
Interested International participants should contact Mr. Maniatis
Interested participants from India should contact Mr. Ramakrishna
For information please contact Marco Luschi
Mark Your Calendar: EU-India-BCE conference on Advanced Bio Fuels
2 – 4 March 2022
Following the success of the EU-India Conference on Advanced Biofuels organised by the European Commission, Directorate General for Energy, and the Indian Ministry of Petroleum and Natural gas on March 2018, 2019 and 2020, as well as the continuing success of the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE), we have decided to join forces and continue the cooperation between European and Indian advanced biofuels stakeholders.
We are pleased to announce the EU-INDIA-Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EU-INDIA-BCE) scheduled for 2-3-4 March 2022. This event will follow the proven structure of the EU-India Conference on Advanced Biofuels combining it with the experience and proficiency of the EUBCE under the management and organisational skills of ETA Florence Renewable Energies.
The title of the EU-INDIA-BCE conference is Progress in Advanced Biofuels.
The “EU-INDIA-BCE Progress in Advanced Biofuels” aims to facilitate the deployment of advanced biofuels in the EU and India. The conference targets primarily the technology developers, industrial players and investors of all value chains producing advanced biofuels for the decarbonisation of transport.
The 2022 EU-India-BCE: Progress in Advanced Biofuels will be a virtual event, however, it will also provide a virtual exhibition space where technology developers and industrial players will be able to display their innovative solutions for advanced biofuel technologies.
Further information will be announced as soon as practical arrangements are completed.
In the programme priority will be given to the sponsors of the conference to give keynote presentations and structure the panel debates while principal speakers will be invited directly by MM Maniatis and Ramakrishna; however, if you are interested to give a presentation please contact either Mr Maniatis or Mr Ramakrishna accordingly.